A non-exhaustive list of open-sourced software we have published so far.
If you use the Android Myo library for your publication, please cite the following publication:
Kutafina, E.; Laukamp, D.; Bettermann, R.; Schroeder, U.; Jonas, S.M.
Wearable Sensors for eLearning of
Tasks: Using Forearm EMG in Hand Hygiene Training.
Sensors 2016, 16, 1221.
A mobile Application for the Android operating system. It allows to collect sleep-related data using various sensors and is extendable through a plugin-based approach.
If you use the Mobile Sleep Lab App for your publication, please cite the following publication:
Burgdorf A, Güthe I, Jovanovic M, Kutafina E, Kohlschein C, Bitsch JÁ, et al.
The mobile sleep lab app: An open-source framework for mobile sleep assessment based on consumer-grade wearable devices.
Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2018 Oct 6;103:8–16.
A little browser plugin to analyze the local citation network of a pubmed application.
Professorship for
Digital Health
Prof. Dr. Stephan Jonas
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstraße 3